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Daniela Pălimariu - BEDROOM IV, 2013 - object (two modules)

BEDROOM IV is part of an ongoing series which offer a direct physical experience, in search for temporary solutions of retreat and idleness. Visitors are encouraged to test this micro-habitat by physically entering one of the modules, for as long as they feel comfortable with it. The restrained space could be claustrophobic for some, or welcoming for others. BEDROOM IV offers the chance of a complete cutout from the outside space, from the others and brings in the feeling of security and intimacy with oneself. It offers a moment of complete stillness, in which thoughts can either completely disappear or become clearer. BEDROOM IV does not only propose a physical sensation of relaxation, but it addresses the need for complete isolation, especially a mental one, which can hardly be attained in most of our daily realities. Besides the exhibition, the work is placed in several office environments, offering the chance of being used directly, during lunch breaks, before or after working hours.